Housing and Communities Annual Lecture

2024wed10jul9:30 amwed12:30 pmHousing and Communities Annual Lecture

Event Details




Thank you for your interest in our Housing and Communities Annual Lecture.

Click here for images of the event and click here to download the presentations delivered on the day.









Clive Betts MP (Chair, Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Select Committee 2010-2024 and MP for Sheffield South East)

Clive Betts began his political career in 1973 and in 1976 was elected as a member of Sheffield City Council. He became Leader of the Council in 1987, having served on the Housing and Finance committees for several years. He remained on the Council until his election as Labour Member of Parliament for Sheffield Attercliffe in 1992.

Clive was appointed a Government Whip in 1997 and held the post until 2001. In June 2010 he was elected as Chair of the Department for Communities and Local Government Select Committee.

Since becoming a Member of Parliament, Clive has been a key member on several Select Committees (Department for Environment, Transport and the Regions, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Department for Communities and Local Government.) His political interests include economic policy, local and regional government and housing. He is chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Arms Length Management Organisations. Clive is also chair of the Netherlands Group in Parliament.

Clive can frequently be found in the stands at Sheffield Wednesday FC and is Chair of the Parliamentary All Party Football Group.


Dr Halima Sacranie (Director of Housing Research, Centre for the New Midlands)

Dr Halima Sacranie is the Director of Housing Research at the Centre for the New Midlands. She is also an Honorary Research Fellow at the University or Birmingham where she completed her PhD at the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies in 2012, and a Research Fellow at Aston Business School.  Halima’s research interests include housing policy and housing models, tenant engagement and wellbeing, sustainability in social housing, neighbourhoods and placemaking. Her recent projects includes a 4-year EU project with TU Delft on the circular economy in social housing, and 2-year project with Birmingham City Council and the Gambling Commission on the impacts of harmful gambling on council tenancy. Halima is currently leading an evaluation of the West Midlands Social Housing Quality Fund programme which has been commissioned by the West Midlands Combined Authority.

As Chair of the Housing and Communities Leadership Board at the Centre for New Midlands since July 2021, Halima has worked with Board members, policy makers, practitioners and academics in the Midlands to raise the profile of critical housing and communities issues, to create a platform for thought leadership and debate, to share best practice and to influence policy through stakeholder engagement and impactful research. Halima is also a Trustee of the charity Climate Outreach.







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July 10, 2024 9:30 am - 12:30 pm(GMT+00:00)


Banqueting Suite, Birmingham City Council House

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Comments (One comment)

  • May 2, 2024 at 11:38 am


    I was wondering if I could join the waiting list for guests to this event? I represent a large construction company, and I am extremely interested in supporting the levvling up ideals

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